
You can get involved today by becoming a Volunteer. Sign up and you will be joining a group of change-makers, a network strong enough to impact positive change in the lives of those we serve.

We need help with everything from administrative tasks, to teaching art and music to our students in the US, or lending a hand at the many public events each year. Please contact us if you're interested in volunteering.




Add your name to our mailing list so we can keep you updated about upcoming events, speciality drives, new initiatives and more. 

Contact Us

Other Ways You Can Make An Impact

Become a Fundraiser to support the HTC Foundation

Host a Party: Graciously opening your home for a soiree to introduce us and help us network is very much appreciated.

Presentations: We’d love to make a presentation to your business, club, church, or organization.

Mailing Lists: Either a list of your friends or a professional mailing list would help us expeditiously disseminate our message.

Mailings: Letters and e-mails to editors, professionals, and politicians is very effective in bringing awareness of HTCF, its mission, and its needs.

Advertising: Paid advertising space in the printed of media, billboard coverage, television and radio announcements, and feature stories can do much to make us globally visible and heard.

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