Our education programs help children break the cycle of poverty, build strong communities, and reach their full potential.

HTCF Educational Programs - San Diego

Content is delivered through the means of art, drama improvisation, debates, role-playing and other collaborative activities. More advanced students may choose to use their leadership, organization, production, writing, acting, videographic and editing skills to manage various volunteer projects of interest or create film shorts for the group to share their unique message with their families and social network. Special projects (crowdfunding, volunteer efforts) which meet values criteria of the Health Through Communication Foundation are encouraged as time and resources permit.

Every group is led by a facilitator who has an interest in supporting students to become empowered, socially aware, mature and contributing adults. Some topics which may be covered, depending on group feedback and interest, using active, engaging and age-appropriate activities:

  • Communication
  • Assertiveness Training
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Conflict Management
  • Confidence-building
  • Bullying Prevention
  • Cooperation, Collaborative Problem-solving
  • Community and Global Issues Awareness
  • Anti-Discrimination (age, disability, ethnicity, gender, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation) 
  • Leadership Skills
  • Writing, Editing
  • Acting, Managing, Film-editing
  • Health, Mindfulness, Self-Reliance
  • Ecology and Sustainability
  • Finances, Global Economy
  • Academic Achievement
  • Volunteerism

Content is shared through four different means:

Weekly after-school classes
Summer Camps
On-site teacher training
Classroom visits

Academic Programs - Haiti

Our current Foundation leadership has contacts in Haiti to help carry out education plans for the children of La Vallee de Jacmel, Haiti. Your generous tax donation can help provide for teachers' salaries, student scholarships, school supplies and uniforms to underserved children: we can also help to upgrade existing schools or leasing space for new schools. Without these schools, many children, especially young girls, would have not been able to receive the gift of education and be able to break the cycle of poverty.


Named after one of the greatest Haitian hero of La Vallée the Jacmel Professor Aubies Franck, this scholarship is given to over 100 laureates students in Haiti.

Louise L. Hay Scholarship
Ms. Hay wanted to do something for the children of La Vallée in a long-term basis. This scholarship has been helping over 200 poor students each year since 1999. The criteria are: being an orphan, or from a family or 8 or more children.

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